■ 原稿の投稿先 ■

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投稿規程のダウンロード 日本語論文(PDF)

投稿規程のダウンロード 英語論文(PDF)










(1) 原著論文:


(2) 研究報告:


(3) 短報:


(4) 事例報告:


(5) 総説:



原稿は、A4 判の白紙に横書きで、上下を約2.5cm ずつ、左右を約3cmずつあける。原文と複写2 部、計3 部を投稿する。原稿の構成は表紙、要旨、本文、引用文献表、表、図の順とする。初回投稿時は、「投稿資格確認書」1部と「投稿論文チェックリスト」1部を原稿と共に提出する。



表紙:原稿種別・表題・著者名・所属を和文と英文で記入し、図表の数、希望別刷部数(50 部単位)、連絡先(郵便番号、住所、所属、電話およびファックス番号、e-mail のアドレスなど)を必ず記入する。

表題は、論文の内容を表記した簡潔で明瞭な表題 (40 字程度) とする(“...の研究” というような大雑把な表記は避け、新事実を明瞭に表記する)。


要旨:和文論文の場合は和文と英文の要旨の両方を作成する。読者が一読して論文の趣旨が明確にわかるものとし、和文は 600 字以内、英文は同内容で 300 Words 以内とする。

Key Word:英語を原則とし、Index Medicus の subjects にあるもので 5 項目以内を用意する。固有名詞以外は小文字とする。



改行は1字下げ、大見出しはI、II、III...、中見出しは 1、2、3、小見出しはi、ii、 iii...、細見出しは a、b、c...とする。




文献:本文中に引用された順とし、引用箇所の肩 1)2)3)の番号をふる。文献表は 本文とは別のページから開始する。雑誌名の省略は、医学中央雑誌および Index Medicus に準ずる。 著者や編者は 6 名までは全員、6 名以上は最初の 3 名を記載し、 et al. とする。



1 )

鈴木太郎,山田花子.糖尿病性神経障害の発生機序について.糖尿病.2017; 29:975-82.

2 )

Suzuki T, Yamada H. A study of mechanisms causing diabetic disorders of peripheral neurons. Diabetes. 2018; 29:975-82.

*著書(分担 執筆)

3 )

鈴木太郎,山田花子.糖尿病性神経障害,小島次郎編 糖尿病,大学出版,東京, 2012; 975-982.

4 )

Suzuki T, Yamada H. Diabetic disorders of peripheral neurons. In “Diabetic mellitus” ed (s). Kojima J. University Press, Tokyo, 2014; 975-82.


5 )


6 )

Suzuki T, Yamada H. Diabetic disorders of peripheral neurons, University Press, Tokyo, 2016.

*Web Page

7 )

Kaul S, Diamond GA. Good enough: A Primer on the analysis and interpretation of noninferiority trials. Ann Intern Med [Internet]. 2006; 145(1):62-9 Available from: http://www.annals.org/content/145/1/62.full.pdf Accessed March 3rd, 2018.

英語雑誌名の略称は NLM Catalog

(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog/journals) を参照のこと。


図表:図、表は別紙に書き、図1、表1と必ず番号を記し、挿入場所を本文に指定す る。写真以外の図は必ず黒インクまたはそれに相当するもので書く。図、表のタイト ルは図では図の下に、表では表の上に明記する。不正確、不鮮明な図については、当 方にてトレースし、その費用は著者の負担とする。図、表は最小限とする。


長さ:原著論文、研究報告、総説の長さは指定しない。短報、事例報告は組み上がり 4 頁以内とする(字数にして 6,400 字分)。400 字詰原稿で図、表、要旨を含めて 15 枚程度が目安となる。なお、図、表は簡単なもので 1 枚あたり 400 字詰原稿用紙 1 枚 程度、やや複雑になると原稿用紙 2~3 枚に相当する。






原稿の校正は、初校は著者が、2 校以後は著者校正に基づいて編集委員会が行う。なお校 正の際の加筆は一切認めない。


印刷費は著者負担とし、仕上がり1ページあたり4,000円とする。ただし、これらは目安 であり、変動する可能性はある。別刷印刷の必要な場合は著者負担とする。別刷印刷は 50 部を単位とする。




印刷工程の効率向上を図るため、受理が決定した最終稿を入力した電子媒体(USB、 CD-R 等)を印字原稿と共に提出する。入力はテキスト形式で行う。使用したパソコンの OS、ワープロソフトを著者名、略題とともにラベルに記載する。


投稿原稿は、査読者および編集委員会の意見を踏まえて修正を求めることがある。なお、 査読者は編集委員会が指名する。ただし、投稿する原著論文により東京医科歯科大学大学 院の学位申請をする予定の者は、投稿に際して、指導教員に「査読者の推薦状」の記入を 依頼し、厳封のうえ編集委員会に提出する必要がある。


編集委員会が修正を求めた投稿原稿は、通知日から90日以内に限って再提出を受け付け る。90 日を経過しても連絡がない場合は、投稿を取り下げたとみなす。ただし、正当な理由がある場合はこの限りではない。

1) 平成23年1月28日 一部改正実施する。
2) 平成29年3月31日 一部改正実施する。
3) 平成30年3月30日 一部改正実施する。
4) 平成31年3月30日 一部改正実施する。
5) 令和4年10月30日 一部改正実施する。

Journal of the Ochanomizu Association for Academic Nursing
Manuscript Submission Guidelines


Contributors, including co-authors, must be members of the Ochanomizu Association for Academic Nursing.


Journal of the Ochanomizu Association for Academic Nursing (hereafter “the Journal”) is a journal that publishes original articles, short communications about nursing and nursing-related phenomena, case studies, review articles and articles that the editorial board finds suitable to publish.



Original article: An article that has creative and theoretical or empirical research results, which provides new information, and its purpose, method, results, and discussion is consistent and clear.


Research report: An article that does not meet the criteria of original article, but that can contribute to nursing development.


Short communication: A short but creative research report. A study that brings clinical or educational information which is worth publishing.


Case study: A study about a case with a person, group, or community, which is difficult to generalize but worth discussing, or something such as a report about a new trial of nursing practice in an institution.


Review Article: Critical evaluations and summary of the material and studies about a specific nursing related theme that have already been published. Re-analyses as meta-analysis and systemic reviews are encouraged.


Manuscript should have been reviewed by an English proofreading company prior to submission. The cost of the English proofing must be borne by the contributor. Alternatively, papers may be reviewed by a native English speaker or a researcher with sufficient experience in writing English papers.


Manuscripts should be written horizontally on white A4 size paper, with 2.5 cm above and below the margins, and 3cm on both sides of the margins. There should be 20 lines of text per page in 12- point Times New Roman font.
Please submit the original manuscript and 2 copies for a total of 3 manuscripts. The structure of the manuscript includes a cover page, an abstract, the main text, references, tables, and figures, in that order. Please submit an eligibility confirmation form and a check list of manuscript submission guidelines at the first submission.



Cover page: Write the kind of manuscript, title, name(s) of authors and affiliations in both English and Japanese, the number of tables and figures, the number of offprints that you will order (50 per unit), and contact information (postal code, address, affiliation, telephone/fax number, and email address).
・The title should express the manuscript’s content simply and clearly (within around 25 words). Avoid rough expressions like “Research about ~~~,” but express new facts clearly.


Abstract: This should be clearly written so that readers understand the main point after reading once (within 300 words).
・Keywords: Choose 5 words that are included in subjects in the Index Medicus. Start with lower case except proper nouns.


Main text: The main body of text should begin on the page following the abstract and keywords. Original papers should contain the sections listed below in the following order:
Materials and Methods
Abbreviations should be used only when they are commonly used in the area.


References to literature should be given in citation numbers1), 2) by order of their appearance in the text. Begin your reference list on a new page and title it as “References.” References should be written in Vancouver style on the page following the text in accordance with the reference list examples below.

Journal Articles
Basic Format

Author name (surname, capitalized initial of the first name]. Title of article. Abbreviated name of journal. Issue year; Volume (Issue Number): Starting page–ending page.
(Basic Example)
1) Rose ME, Huerbin MB, Melick J, et al. Regulation of interstitial excitatory amino acid concentrations after cortical contusion injury. Brain Res. 2002; 935(1-2):40-6. [Supplement (Special Issue)]
2) Geraud G, Spierings EL, Keywood C. Tolerability and safety of frovatriptan with short-and long-term use for treatment of migraine and in comparison with sumatriptan. Headache. 2002; 42 Suppl 2:S93-9.

Books or other Periodicals
Basic Format

Author. Book title. Edition. Place of publication: Publishing company; Year of publication.
(Basic Example)
3) Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Kobayashi GS, et al. Medical microbiology. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2002. (Edited or Compiled Books)
4) Gilstrap LC 3rd, Cunningham FG, VanDorsten JP, editors. Operative obstetrics. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002.
(Text from an Independent Book)
5) Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM. Chromosome alterations in human solid tumors. In: Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW, editors. The genetic basis of human cancer. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002:93-113.

Electronic Journals
Basic format

Author. Article title. Abbreviated name of journal [type of medium]. Year of publication; Volume (number): Starting page–ending page Available from: URL.
(Basic Example)
6) Kaul S, Diamond GA. Good enough: A Primer on the analysis and interpretation of noninferiority trials. Ann Intern Med [Internet]. 2006; 145(1):62-9 Available from: http://www.annals.org/content/145/1/62.full.pdf Accessed March 3rd, 2018.
For articles with 1 to 6 authors, list all authors. For articles with more than 6 authors, list the first 6 authors and then add “et al.”
Japanese references should include the phrase “(in Japanese)” at the end of each reference. Abbreviate journal titles in the style used in the NLM Catalog: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/nlmcatalog/journals.


Tables and figures should be on separate pages and numbered consecutively: Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Titles of tables should be centered above the table and titles of figures should be centered below the figure. The number of tables and figures should be kept to a minimum.
Indicate where you want to place the tables and figures in the text.
Tables and figures should be in black ink except photos. Unclear figures can be traced in this journal but the cost should be paid by the authors.


Length: There is no limitation on number of words in the original article and review article. Short communications and case studies are limited to 4 pages in the journal (about 3,500 words). Word counts for tables and figures are regarded as 200 words for simple ones and 400~600 words for complex ones.


Research involving human or animal subjects should have ethical considerations and these must be mentioned in the text. The study proposal should have been approved by an institutional review board or ethics committee of the institution that the main investigator or participants belong to, and the approval number should be included.


The editorial review board will decide whether or not to accept the manuscript. Publication order is decided by the order of acceptance. Special articles are considered separately.


Authors will initially proofread, but the editorial review board will do the second and more proofreading based on the author’s proofreading. Changes are not admitted at the time of proofreading.


Printing fees should be paid by the authors. It costs 4000 yen per page in the journal. This is just an approximation, and the cost can change. If offprints are necessary, they are also paid for by the authors. Offprint orders are accepted at 50 per unit.


Copyrights of papers accepted for publication belong to the Journal of the Ochanomizu Association for Academic Nursing.


In order to improve the efficiency of printing, please submit a CD that includes your accepted final manuscript as well as a printed manuscript. Input should be in the text format. The CD should have a label that indicates the computer operating system, the word processing software, the names of the authors, and an abbreviated title of the article.


Submitted manuscripts can be required for revision according to comments from reviewers and the editorial review board. Reviewers will be assigned by the editorial review board. However, the person who is applying degree examination at graduate program in Tokyo Medical and Dental University by the original article should submit the firmly sealed manuscript including a letter for recommended reviewers from the instructor to the editorial board.


When the editorial review board requires revisions for the manuscript, responses to the suggested revisions and the revised manuscript should be submitted within 90 days. If it is not submitted within 90 days, it is regarded as a withdrawal. However, if there is a reasonable reason, this does not apply.

This rule will be effective from March 2017.
This rule was partly revised on March 2018.
This rule was partly revised on March 2019.
This rule was partly revised on October 2022.